Congratulations to the Grand Junction residents who worked tirelessly to pass Referred Measure 1A, which means Grand Junction will finally get a Community Recreation Center! (This […]
Despite pleas from local students (including some West Slope Youth Voice students, like Kenya Contreras), District 51 rejected the plans for a healthcare clinic to be […]
The 74th Colorado General Assembly may have started slower than normal, but one thing is clear — this will be a decisive year for Colorado. And Western […]
We wanted to remind you that our Beers, Bikes & Electric Vehicles event is tonight, March 14, at Kannah Creek Edgewater Brewery (905 Struthers Avenue in Grand Junction) from 6 to 7:30 pm. The […]
At the time of writing, Western Colorado Alliance’s West Slope Youth Voice (WSYV) is in the last hours of our Alliance’s first-ever WSYV Lobby Days trip! […]