Bill to protect schoolchildren from oil and gas development faces state Senate hearing Wednesday Folks across Western Colorado cheered as House Bill 1256 passed the Colorado House last […]
Constituents send a strong message to their Congressman Thank you to the 400+ people who packed the Montrose High School gym Friday night, April 7 for Rep. […]
Ask your legislators to support House Bill 1256! Exciting news: a bill that we and our allies have been eagerly awaiting has finally dropped in the […]
WCC has identified some top priorities for the 2017 state legislative session – here are the highlights: Gasfield justice Local Government Liable Fracking Ban Oil and […]
This week, two bills that will negatively impact two of WCC’s biggest issues face their first test in the Colorado House this Wednesday, Feb. 22. Please contact your […]
WCC’s job just became all the more important Politicians and parties come and go; principles endure. Western Colorado Congress is built on the principles of grassroots […]
WCC steps up as the Western Slope’s voice for social and environmental justice We’re living in historic times. Times of great frustration, anger, hope, optimism, divisiveness. […]