Billions of dollars available for rural electric co-ops!

Billions of dollars available for rural electric co-ops!

Coin Ideas Light Bulb Ideas stacked instead of flourishing


We’ve never seen anything like it — almost $10 billion is now available for Generation & Transmission (G&T) or distribution Rural Electric Co-operatives (RECs). This is as a result of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) which was signed into law last August.

This represents an amazing opportunity for those of us who envision a clean energy future for Western Colorado. It’s estimated that about a million and a half people get their power from RECs in Colorado — and a lot of those folks are here on the Western Slope!

These monies are available to co-ops with the intention of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They include a major new ERA, as well as programs aimed at reducing energy costs for farmers and rural businesses by helping them turn to renewable energy sources. 

There are also new tax credits and forgivable loans available for clean energy projects.

Now, our friends at Rural Power Coalition (of which, our Alliance is a member) have put together a report on the various programs offered as part of the IRA. This four-page report includes details, deadlines, and links. With it, you can find the program that might be right for your REC or business!

Please take a moment to download the report and take a look at it. This is an important moment for Western Colorado! Please share this information widely!

If, after reading this, you have further questions or need help planning your next step, please contact me at I’ll be excited to help you in any way possible!

Tyler McDermott

About the author

Tyler grew up in Grand Junction, graduating from Fruita Monument High School and attending Colorado Mesa University where he graduated in 2016. Since then, Tyler has spent the last six years working on political campaigns of all types from city council and school board up to presidential campaigns at the state level. Tyler is passionate about issues including conservation, energy, and responsible growth of the Western Slope.

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