Leadership elections for Western Colorado Alliance of Garfield County!

Leadership elections for Western Colorado Alliance of Garfield County!

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Earlier this year, we officially launched our local affiliate group, Western Colorado Alliance of Garfield County. Now it’s time to elect the Coordinating Committee who will lead our organizing work in Garfield County and uphold our vision:

“[R]espectful, thriving, and equitable communities where residents are actively engaged in creating sustainable local policies and participating in civic and social activities that ensure a good quality of life is accessible for everyone in Garfield County.”

Our Alliance’s Election Day is April 29! Everyone is welcome and all active members can self-nominate for a committee seat, as well as vote. Open Coordinating Committee seats include:

  • Chair
  • Treasurer
  • Scribe
  • Membership Coordinator

Join us for refreshments and a brief business meeting during which elections will be held. The meeting is on Monday April 29 at 6:30 pm in the Conference Room of the Rifle Branch Library.

If you are unsure of your membership status or are interested in learning more about the responsibilities of the four open committee seats, please contact Hanna Arauza at hanna@westerncoloradoalliance.org.

About the author

Hanna worked as a geologist in the environmental industry for a decade before shifting her professional focus to community organizing. A huge fan of hiking and camping, she is always happiest outdoors. Her love of nature led to her studies and career in Earth science, but more recently she decided that she could better serve broad environmental interests, such as extractive industry practices, renewable energy, water conservation, and sustainable agriculture, by getting involved with her local community. She is excited for the opportunity to connect with people in Garfield County and help bring the various voices of the community together to create change that benefits all residents and preserves the beautiful Western Slope. In her free time she loves exploring new trails, gardening, and chasing around her two young children.

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