Crossing the national divide one conversation at a time

Crossing the national divide one conversation at a time

This summer, our Alliance is doing something different. We’re going to connect to residents in our communities using our ears as our primary tool. It’s called “deep listening,” and we’re finally getting started.

Recent years, made difficult in numerous ways, have widened the national political divide that was already growing. This division has seeped into our communities, clouding our daily conversations and interactions. We’ve forgotten that, while our lived experiences are diverse, we all have so much more in common than we have in difference – a desire to love, be loved, protect our families, and have real opportunities to achieve the great American dream we’ve all been promised.

So, this summer, we’re removing our own barriers and talking to our neighbors, our friends, and our community members. We’re knocking on their doors, asking them to share their stories and how they connect to local issues that impact them the most right here at home. We’re not going to tell them what we think, we’re just going to listen. Our goal is to identify the root needs in our lives that, if addressed, would create healthier and more supportive communities for us all.

We’re going to connect with people who have historically not been asked what issues matter to them, those who have been overlooked by traditional outreach systems. These are people who may feel as though the democratic process doesn’t respond to their needs and as a result, civic participation or community engagement is not a priority for them. People who are in survival mode on a daily basis and struggle to self-advocate without time and resources. Maybe it’s the single mom in the apartment down the hall, the family of five down the street working multiple jobs to make ends meet, or the single neighbor next door whose weeds have grown too tall because mobility is difficult, and money is tight. We want to knock on their doors this summer.

Beyond deep listening, we want to build trust among residents in our communities. After we have one-on-one conversations at their doors, we’ll invite them to neighborhood meetings later in the year, and we’ll knock on their doors again in the fall to let them know what measures are on the ballot that may have a direct impact on the issues they identified as most important.

This is an “all hands on deck” effort, and we need you to make it work. We’ve got the tools and the plan — now we just need people. Maybe you’ve never knocked on a door, but you see the value in what we are attempting to do. We want as many folks as possible to know exactly what to expect so we can work together to create an army of ears.

About the author

Jeriel joined the Western Colorado Alliance staff in February 2017 (back when we were still Western Colorado Congress), but you may remember her as our Canvass Director for the successful Minimum Wage ballot initiative in 2016! In her young career, Jeriel has worked with engaged citizens across Colorado on issues ranging from veterans' affairs, healthcare and women’s rights. Jeriel has called Grand Junction and the Western Slope home for 16 years, and enjoys running, hiking, biking and crafting with her daughter Emma.

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