Western Colorado Alliance of Garfield County

We envision respectful, thriving, and equitable communities where residents are actively engaged in creating sustainable local policies and participating in civic and social activities that ensure a good quality of life is accessible for everyone in Garfield County.

It is our responsibility as Garfield County residents to identify, inform, organize, and act collectively to bring about change that benefits our residents."

— Rob Dolan, local member

Community listening

Following several years of decline in local membership, exacerbated by the pandemic, we set out to reconnect with our communities. In 2022, a team of Western Colorado Alliance staff and volunteers knocked on over 200 doors and held conversations with more than 60 Garfield residents to explore how they felt about their communities, which issues were impacting them in a negative way, and how could they be better supported within their community. These conversations were followed by neighborhood meetings where small groups gathered to discuss the impacts of local issues, dissect the roots of the problems, and discover common ground. Through this community listening project, we met a diverse cross section of our communities and uncovered a resounding need for community connection and collective action. We built relationships and learned about the unique challenges our communities face. This Community Listening Campaign was the foundation of Western Colorado Alliance in Garfield County.

Organizing committee

Throughout 2023, an Organizing Committee made up of nine community-oriented Garfield County residents met to develop what would become Western Colorado Alliance of Garfield County. (An Organizing Committee is a temporary group whose mission is to launch a new local affiliate.) Committee members represented the towns of Parachute, Rifle, Silt, and New Castle. They came from a diverse range of lived experiences, professional backgrounds, and cultures. A healthy mix of perspectives at the table helped us create an affiliate representative of our communities. The group prioritized inclusivity and accessibility in their decision-making. The Organizing Committee developed the new affiliate’s official vision statement, governing structure, and engaged in issue identification activities to focus the inaugural campaign work on an issue that will be relevant and meaningful to our communities. Western Colorado Alliance of Garfield County will continue on the course set by the Organizing Committee by striving to be representative of all our communities and welcoming of all our voices.

Western Colorado Alliance of Garfield County launches

2024 will usher in a new day for community organizing in Garfield County! The establishment of the new local affiliate group will serve as a venue through which community members can address local issues in a collaborative and intentional way. By connecting locals with the resources of our broader organizing networks, it increases the capacity to work on a broad range of issues impacting Garfield County. And as we grow, we’ll be able to take on more campaigns and offer more leadership development opportunities which will enrich and strengthen our communities. The new affiliate also offers a space for community members to come together and feel connected. We can counter the fatigue of isolation and polarization by becoming a hub where people can connect with their communities and feel welcome and respected. The future is what we make it!