What we heard about the GVP elections at your doors

What we heard about the GVP elections at your doors

The 2024 Grand Valley Power (GVP) Board of Directors elections have come to a close, with two incumbents returning to the board and one new face joining them. Incumbents Jesse Mease and Brian Woods will be joined by Lindsay Byers-Gray to serve a three-year term on the board.

Jesse Mease
Brian Woods
Lindsay Byers Gray
Bill Rooks
Jim Marshall
Thomas Lake
1,648 votes
1,618 votes
1,409 votes
1,063 votes
813 votes
266 votes

Our Alliance spent this election cycle working to turn out voters to participate and make their voices heard, and as part of that, we went out into the community and knocked on the doors of Grand Valley Power customers. We wanted to learn from them how they feel about their energy cooperative and what things they both liked and disliked about it and going forward, we are hoping to work with Grand Valley Power to make some positive changes that will benefit our neighbors in their service territory.

What members like:

  • We found that Grand Valley Power members really appreciate the reliability they experience in the energy that reaches their homes. GVP members haven’t experienced the many sudden and frequent power outages that Xcel customers in our community have been dealing with. For a power provider, it’s important to their customers that the lights come on when they flip the switch and this was far and away the most appreciated part of being within GVP territory.

What members want to see change:

  • We also found however that GVP customers often don’t know anything about who the board is or what they do, and why it is important that they participate in these elections.
  • A frequent comment we heard was that they feel that GVP doesn’t share very much about their decision-making process, and the vast majority of GVP members are unable to attend their monthly meetings that occur at 9am on a Wednesday morning, leaving them feeling like the board doesn’t want to hear from their member-owners and makes decisions in the dark and without input. Members would attend if the meetings were at different, more easily available times.
  • Most customers feel they pay too much for their energy, and would like to see GVP invest in more local renewable energy to help bring costs down and keep their bills stable.
  • Members wanted to know more information about the candidates. Currently, GVP only allows candidates to post a short blurb about their educational and professional experience, without allowing them to mention anything about what they want to do on the board if elected. Members feel they don’t know what they stand for, and therefore don’t like to cast an uneducated or uninformed vote. 
  • Members mentioned wanting a digital option for voting that would make it easier, as opposed to mail-in voting and one-day in-person voting only. 
  • Members often talked about wanting to see fresh ideas and new measures taken to reduce energy costs and take advantage of new opportunities and funding sources.

In the coming weeks and months, we look forward to working with Grand Valley Power to make these changes possible for a better relationship between the board and their member-owners. If you are interested in helping, please contact me at tyler@westerncoloradoalliance.org. 

About the author

Tyler grew up in Grand Junction, graduating from Fruita Monument High School and attending Colorado Mesa University where he graduated in 2016. Since then, Tyler has spent the last six years working on political campaigns of all types from city council and school board up to presidential campaigns at the state level. Tyler is passionate about issues including conservation, energy, and responsible growth of the Western Slope.

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