Want Some Food for Thought? Join Us at Seeds of Community Action!

Want Some Food for Thought? Join Us at Seeds of Community Action!

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Is the food on your table coming from the Western Slope? How can everyday people work together to improve their community’s access to fresh, local produce? Come learn more about our Alliance and what our members are doing to support our local farmers and ranchers at our next Seeds of Community Action on Tuesday, April 30!

Join us as we hear from our lead regional organizer for local food and agriculture, Nick Allan, about the work our Alliance is doing to improve everything from the sustainability of local agriculture to food sovereignty on the Western Slope. We’ll also have an opportunity to hear from leaders of Western Colorado Alliance in Mesa County about their work to improve community safety and what community safety looks and feels like in Fruita.

Seeds of Community Action is the premier event for connecting with new and veteran Alliance members, so don’t miss your chance to join us! This Seeds of Community Action will be hosted on Tuesday, April 30 at the RMPM Western Public Media Center, located at 160 S. Park Square in Fruita. RSVP today!

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