Through recent Executive Orders, Secretarial Orders, and legislation introduced in Congress, the oil and gas industry and their allies in Congress are seeking to effectively sell off millions of acres of our public lands, elevate oil and gas development as the dominant use of public lands, and claw back critical reforms to the federal oil and gas leasing system.
Specifically, Senator Daines from Montana has introduced the alarming Supporting Made in America Energy Act which would effectively sell-off more than 200 million acres of our public lands to the oil and gas industry, threatening the West’s wide open spaces, wildlife, recreation, water, and more. That acreage is roughly the size of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming combined.
This bill, which could be fast-tracked through the Senate through the budget reconciliation process, would prioritize policies that elevate oil and gas development above all other uses of public lands, including:
Now is the time to stand with our public lands! If you believe oil and gas development should not happen near schools, places of worship, cemeteries, and other public spaces then submit a comment today! Make your voice heard and tell your senators that Westerners do not support the giveaway of our public lands to the oil and gas industry.