Garfield County residents who live in low- or middle-income households could receive thousands of dollars’ worth of free home energy upgrades or an equivalent amount to trade in your old car for a new or used electric vehicle!
In order to find out if you qualify and to apply, our friends at Garfield Clean Energy will be holding four free drop-in sessions over two days. On Thursday, March 27, from 4-8 pm, they’ll be in the Silt Branch Library and Glenwood Springs Branch Library. And on Friday, March 28, from 4-7 pm, they’ll be in the Rifle Branch Library and the Grand Valley Recreation Center in Battlement Mesa.
These sessions will tell you whether you qualify and there will be staff from the Colorado Energy Office and Garfield Clean Energy available to answer questions and help you apply for programs which could save you significant money.
If you wish to apply, please bring with you:
For more information and event details, please visit This is a wonderful opportunity and the chances are very high you’ll qualify, so we hope to see you at one of these sessions!