Let’s reconnect and reignite our Alliance!

Let’s reconnect and reignite our Alliance!

It’s always so energizing to connect with Alliance members and allies in person at the Annual Conference. This year’s conference was no exception as we leveled up with over 70 in attendance, took steps toward language justice with available translation/interpretation, presented a record number of awards celebrating the work of member leaders, enjoyed an inspiring keynote call to action from Representative Elizabeth Velasco, and participated in action-oriented workshops full of ideas to get us activated and organized in our communities.

If you missed it, or if it’s been some time since you last connected with us, I’d like to invite you to reconnect with our Alliance. Whether you’ve been busy with other commitments or simply lost touch, we want to welcome you back into our fold. Our alliance has always thrived on the diverse contributions and perspectives of our members, and we believe that your involvement can make a significant difference.
There are lots of great ways to join or re-join us this fall. Here are some ideas:

Mountainfilm on Tour returns on Thursday, November 16 to the Avalon Theater in Downtown Grand Junction. Our Alliance is proud to host this annual event since we believe strongly in Mountainfilm’s mission to use the power of film, art, and ideas to inspire audiences to create a better world. Bring a friend and share an evening with us. It’s always a good time!

If you live in Mesa County, Montrose, or Garfield Counties – please reach out to that area’s community organizer (Maria Luisa Perez Chavez, Bianca Diaz, or Hannah Arauza, respectively) to get connected with the work of that affiliate group. They’re actively organizing and are always welcoming new participation and ideas.

If you do not live within an affiliate group’s geographic area, or even if you do, check out the work of our regional organizers. Whether you’re interested in protecting human and environmental health in the face of oil and gas development, developing a clean energy economy, supporting sustainable local food and agriculture systems, advocating for the responsible management of our public lands, building homegrown prosperity where resilient local economies work for all of us, or grassroots organizing to impact public decisions that affect our lives, there is need for your voice and your presence. You can make a difference in this work – even remotely!

Hope to see you soon!

About the author

Andreya has a background in secondary education, and currently works with the nonprofit District 51 Foundation. She is an active leader on local issue campaign teams in Grand Junction and Mesa County. In addition to the Western Colorado Alliance board, Andreya chairs the Grand Valley Parks and Recreation Foundation, and is on the board of the Western Organization of Resource Councils.

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