Join GreenLatinos for a legislative recap next week!

Join GreenLatinos for a legislative recap next week!

Over the years, GreenLatinos Colorado, our members, and our allies have banded together to advocate for a life free of toxic pollution and an environment that nurtures biodiversity. 

By doing this, we allow the planet and our families to thrive. This year we supported pieces of legislation that will improve the quality of life of every Coloradan by reducing air emissions from big polluters, expanding transit accessibility, and helping everyday Coloradans prepare their homes and cars for the transition to clean green energy.

We want to invite you to join us as we recap the legislative session and share updates from our allies on the Western Slope!

A lo largo de los años GreenLatinos Colorado, nuestros miembros, y nuestros aliados nos hemos unido para abogar por una vida libre de contaminación tóxica y un medio ambiente que nutra la biodiversidad. 

Al hacer esto, permitimos que el planeta y nuestras familias prosperen. Este año hemos apoyado leyes que mejorarán la calidad de vida de todos los coloradenses reduciendo las emisiones atmosféricas de los grandes contaminadores, ampliando la accesibilidad del transporte público y ayudando a los coloradenses a preparar sus casas y sus coches para la transición a una energía limpia y ecológica.

Queremos invitarte a unirte al repaso de la sesión legislativa y a compartir las actualizaciones de nuestros aliados en el oeste del estado.

May 30
Garfield County

Glenwood Springs Parks & Recreation Community Center
100 Wulfsohn Road
Glenwood Springs, CO
6 pm to 8 pm

May 31
Mesa County
Edgewater Brewery
905 Struthers Ave, Grand Junction, CO
6 pm to 8 pm

June 1
Montrose County

433 S. 1st Street, Montrose, CO
Farmers Market
9 am to 1 pm

About the author

Emily stepped up as our staff director in 2017, but originally joined our team as a community organizer in 2013. Born and raised on the Western Slope, Emily graduated from Colorado State University and then had the privilege of learning from and working alongside organizers in Central and South America as well as Appalachian coal country. They returned to their home state to protect the land they love and work with fellow Coloradans for a healthy, just and self-reliant future for our rural communities. Emily enjoys organizing, exploring the Colorado Plateau, country music and punk concerts with equal passion.

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