Hold the Oil & Gas Task Force to Task!

Hold the Oil & Gas Task Force to Task!

Oil & Gas Task Force deadline is Feb. 27

The clock is ticking for the Governor’s Oil & Gas Task Force, which has been meeting for months across the state to consider changes to Colorado’s oil and gas laws and regulations. The deadline for recommendations is next Friday, Feb. 27, and the pressure to win meaningful protections for Colorado communities couldn’t be greater.

Join with us and send your comments before the last Task Force meeting!

The Task Force needs a two-thirds majority to pass recommendations to the Governor, and industry is voting as a group, blocking any proposals with substantive regulatory change. Success now hinges on convincing the “swing members” to vote for proactive change and holding Governor Hickenlooper accountable to this process.

WCC members have attended the meetings, testified, and written public comments. And now, as the final vote looms, we must make our message loud and clear: the Task Force and the Governor must act to protect the public health and safety of our Colorado communities.

Join with us and send your comments before the last Task Force meeting!

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