Planned giving

You can make a lasting impact on Western Colorado Alliance by helping secure our future with a planned gift. A gift of any size sustains your values and continues the legacy you are building today. With your gift, future generations will experience a Western Colorado that is healthy, just and self-reliant. 

Leaving a Gift in Your Will

Leaving a gift in your will, also known as a bequest, is a flexible and convenient way to sustain our mission. If you have plans to include Western Colorado Alliance in your will, we hope you will notify us so we can express our appreciation for your generosity. 

Retirement Accounts or Life Insurance Policies

You can name Western Colorado Alliance as a beneficiary for your retirement account, life insurance policy, certificate of deposit, bank account, brokerage account, or other assets. Simply request a beneficiary form from your financial institution and complete it.

A planned gift of any size is welcome and greatly appreciated by Western Colorado Alliance. Please reach out to Executive Director Emily Hornback if you have questions or intend to make a planned gift.