Grand Valley Citizens Alliance

August 20, 2015

Aug. 31 meeting on Battlement Mesa drilling plans

by Emily Hornback, WCC organizer After more than two years of meetings and negotiations, Ursa Resources has initiated the permitting process to drill 53 wells within […]
July 23, 2015

Comment today on 120,000 acre forest treatment

Tell the Forest Service to scale back this massive forest treatment proposal It could be coming to a forest near you: a 10-year-long project to log, burn or […]
May 22, 2015

Threat of drilling grows for Battlement Mesa

by Emily Hornback, WCC Organizer The latest chapter of Battlement Mesa’s ten-year campaign to keep drilling out of the community is about to begin, as Ursa […]
February 20, 2015

Hold the Oil & Gas Task Force to Task!

Oil & Gas Task Force deadline is Feb. 27 The clock is ticking for the Governor’s Oil & Gas Task Force, which has been meeting for […]
September 18, 2014

Forum examines Grand Valley air quality

You are invited to attend a panel discussion on air quality in the Grand Valley, including information on current conditions, the future of citizen-based air pollution […]
July 30, 2014

River Watch, GVCA partner on water monitoring

by Joyce Wizer and Lisa Bracken, Grand Valley Citizens Alliance The River Watch program started in 1989 with six schools on the Yampa River in northwest […]
June 10, 2014

O&G Health Impacts Forum in Parachute

There has been cumulative scientific studies and increased concerns that chemicals used in drilling and fracking of natural gas wells have adverse effects on people living […]
March 7, 2014

Colorado passes ground-breaking air quality regs

Congratulations, Colorado! People across the state will breathe a little easier now that the Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) has passed new rules.  In late February, […]
February 25, 2014

Coal Lease Proposed for Book Cliffs

A company is proposing to lease over 14,000 acres for coal mining near the border of Garfield and Mesa Counties, and a public comment period goes […]