FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 14, 2019 State rules against health and safety on the heels of approving “the worst drilling application” in a residential […]
Today, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) unanimously passed a rule that will require new oil and gas development to be set back 1,000 […]
by Emily Hornback, Staff Director Proposition 112, an initiative to move new oil and gas facilities 2,500 feet away from homes, schools, streams and other sensitive […]
by Dave Devanney, Battlement Mesa also printed as a Guest Commentary in the Denver Post, 11/9/2018 Oil and gas development is reaching into every nook and […]
[from a joint press release with Wilderness Workshop, Western Environmental Law Center, Natural Resources Defense Council and Sierra Club] On October 17, Judge Lewis T. Babcock […]
Have you had a chance to check out my article in our most recent newsletter, or the recent coverage on KKCO News? Our Western Slope youth are rocking it! A […]
Battlement Concerned Citizens are enduring a summer of suspense as they await a final decision from the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) on a […]
A new proposed oil and gas well pad location in Battlement Mesa on the Western Slope receives the dubious distinction of being the WORST drilling and […]