Western Colorado Alliance for Community Action is committed to its vision of HOMEGROWN PROSPERITY where the Western Slope is home to diverse and resilient local economies that work for all of us and doesn’t leave people behind.

What is a Just Transition?

Reclamation Jobs in Coal Country

RECLAIM Act & Black Lung Excise Tax
The RECLAIM Act is a piece of federal legislation that could create 4,000 jobs in Colorado while catalyzing local economies. If passed, the RECLAIM Act could inject $45 million into our rural communities to clean up abandoned coal mines and put high-skilled coal miners back to work.
We must also work to make sure that the benefits promised to coal miners are kept as companies go bankrupt. In 2018, Congress let the Black Lung Excise Tax expire, leaving thousands of miners suffering from a severe respiratory illness caused by coal dust without funding for their health care costs. Our Alliance is working with organized labor and national partners to ensure any Just Transition legislative packaged includes reinstating the excise tax on coal to ensure workers get the health care they deserve.
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