Come knock doors for low-cost, local energy!

Come knock doors for low-cost, local energy!

Ballots for the Grand Valley Power (GVP) Board of Directors elections have been out for a week now, and member-owners are already casting their votes for three seats that will help make some major decisions facing the rural electric cooperative. In the next few years, GVP will be moving to a new contract away from Xcel and to Guzman Energy that will grant them the chance to generate dozens of megawatts of clean power locally and hire a new CEO who will set the vision for the energy provider and potentially change the direction of the cooperative for years to come. We are excited and hopeful that members will choose candidates who want to see positive change and fresh ideas come to Grand Valley Power and in the process, reduce costs. 

As part of our efforts to better understand the needs of Grand Valley Power member-owners, we are canvassing in GVP service territory and having conversations with voters about the election, what priorities they have in energy, and where they want to see the board take GVP in the important years to come. Please join us on the following dates to help our efforts and turn out voters to participate in these important but sadly low-turnout elections!

We will meet at each time at Western Colorado Alliance Headquarters located at 601 N. First Street. If you are able to attend, please sign up below or respond to this email and let me know so I can expect you and have materials ready!

Even if you are unable to participate in our canvass, please make sure you VOTE! Ballots are due by August 8, and you can vote by either mailing it back, dropping your ballot off at GVP headquarters, or voting in person at the Annual Meeting at the Colorado Mesa University Campus’ Myer Ballroom on August 8. 

About the author

Tyler grew up in Grand Junction, graduating from Fruita Monument High School and attending Colorado Mesa University where he graduated in 2016. Since then, Tyler has spent the last six years working on political campaigns of all types from city council and school board up to presidential campaigns at the state level. Tyler is passionate about issues including conservation, energy, and responsible growth of the Western Slope.

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